Conjuring Up A Black Velvet Halloween Cake

Setting The Stage

Before you learn to decorate a Black Velvet Cake; be a sport and get the hang of baking one for starters. While basic ingredients are nothing different from any cake; you need to add some buttermilk and vinegar to ensure that the cake gets prominent curs giving it a velvety texture. Some Black gel paste is essential too.

Mix it up

Mix up the dry ingredients that include the flour, touch of salt and cocoa powder in a bowl and dry stir them thoroughly. Churn together butter, sugar, eggs and vanilla extract in a food processor next and once the past is ready, add the Black gel paste for that rich velvety color. Let the two mixtures combine thoroughly till soft and fluffy and see the combo off to bake. When all done, start decorating it using edible PhotoFrost Icing Sheets.

all images are from video

Check out the next page for the ingredients and watch the video for the full recipe!


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