Low Calorie Fruit Paradise-Amazing Dessert For Everyone

What’s better than having a dessert made of fruit?

Start making this Low Calorie Fruit Paradise recipe by slicing some pears, putting them on a baking dish and drizzling them with fresh lemon juice. In a separate bowl, chop up a little bit of an orange rind and add some fresh orange juice. Stir in some mango pulp and spoon the mixture over your sliced pears. Heat them up in the microwave and top with sliced pistachios.

The result of your creation will be a fruit paradise that could be addicting. The best thing about it is that it’s a guilt-free addiction since there are no high calorie ingredients. This recipe is perfect for a weekday dessert that even the kids will enjoy.

all images are from video

Here is the video guide for this mouth-watering Low Calorie Fruit Paradise treat recipe! Watch how quick and easy it is made and Enjoy!