This Confetti Birthday Cake Is Fun And Tasty for Everyone!

Birthday cakes are fun to make, especially when they are creative like this one!

If you’re going to make a birthday cake, you might as well make something that is fun to eat. That’s exactly where the confetti cake comes in. Everyone likes to see a lot of colors in a cake, so you will incorporate that in this one and decorate the outside with even more colors if you desire.

The ingredients for this cake include flour, baking powder, salt, sugar, egg whites, butter, sour cream, whole milk, vanilla extract and sprinkles. What makes this a fun cake is that the sprinkles are actually mixed in with the cake batter so it will look like confetti is in every piece that you cut. Enjoy it with your kids or friends!



all images are from video

Go to the next page for the ingredients and the video demonstration for this fabulous Confetti Birthday Cake!



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