Super Duo Of Chocolate Mousses Recipe With Callebaut Chocolate

Below are the ingredients that you will need to make this delicious Super Duo Of Chocolate Mousses Recipe:


Raspberry jelly
240GMS raspberry puree
2.6GMS agar agar
45GMS caster sugar
15GMS fresh lemon juice
White chocolate and raspberry ripple ice cream.
Raspberry concentrate
500GMS raspberry puree
25GMS caster sugar
25GMS glucose
Ice cream
190GMS semi skimmed milk
190GMS whipping cream
75GMS white chocolate (w2)
90GMS egg yolks
60GMS caster sugar
chocolate biscuit (flourless sponge)
84GMS egg yolks
136GMS egg whites
136GMS caster sugar
34GMS callebaut cp777 cocoa powder
hazelnut daquiose
73GMS egg whites
40GMS silver spoon caster sugar
16GMS ground almonds
50GMS ground hazelnuts
27GMS silver spoon icing sugar
10GMS british soft flour
White chocolate mousse.
50GMS whipping cream
100GMS white chocolate (w2)
100GMS whipping cream
25ML warm orange juice
2GMS leaf gelatine
841 power milk chocolate mousse
150 GMS 841 power milk chocolate (41%)
63 GMS whole milk
174GMS whipping cream
Raspberry coulis
200ML raspberry puree
icing sugar to taste
juice ½ lemon
Raspberry compote.
250GMS fresh raspberries
120GMS raspberry puree
icing sugar to taste
lemon juice to taste
Caramelised hazelnuts
35GMS silver spoon caster sugar
40GMS hazelnuts

Here is the video guide for this mouthwatering recipe! Watch how quick and easy it is made and Bon Apettit!