Decadent Chocolate Raspberry Tart Recipe

You will find below the ingredients needed to make this Decadent Chocolate Raspberry Tart Recipe. Be sure to watch the video below for full recipe.


125g (4.41 ounces) unsalted butter
50g (1.76 ounces) or 1/4 cup of caster or superfine sugar
1 egg
1/2 tsp vanilla
200g (7.05 ounces) or 1 1/4 cups plain or all-purpose flour
ceramic baking weights (or you can use rice or dried beans /lentils)
loose based tin – mine is 20cm (7.87 inches)

Chocolate Filling
210ml or 3/4 cup plus one tablespoon of milk (4% fat)
210g (7.41 ounces) or 1 cup minus one tablespoon of cream (35% fat)
85g (3 ounces) or 1/3 cup egg yolks (approx 5)
200g (7.05 ounces) dark chocolate
100g (3.53 ounces) milk chocolate
40g (1.41 ounces) or 3 tablespoons of caster or superfine sugar